Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So dental school has finally kicked off, and I'm almost through orientation week. I must say, it has been a great half a week. I didn't really know what to expect when I first step foot in the school. I was actually kind of nervous to meet my classmates. I was just hoping we got along because I'll be seeing them week in and week out for the next four years. But much to my relief, I've gotten to know some awesome people.

Although they did try to bring us back down to earth with the (cue dramatic music and lightning) discipline talk, and what happens if you fail your classes. Which, honestly, did make me kind of worried. Overall, I'm tired of hearing about what's to come, and ready to get down to business. (I got a feeling I'll miss this week in a month... if not sooner!)


Anonymous said...

Hey man, really proud of you! All the hard work you've done after graduating form UT, look where it got you! When you have kids, you can use yourself as the example of "When you put your mind to it, you'll get it! ... along with prayers :-D, right?

I'm afraid that I won't get to talk to you for the next four years cause you'll be so busy. I hope that's not the case, so please don't let that happen. If you need anything, please feel free to let me know. Alright? I'll talk to you soon.

Ed said...

gluck larry

Kin said...

Steven makes it sound like Larry is not going to have internet...